Upcoming Events
• October 12, 2016: Monthly Luncheon. Speaker will be Chief Jody Farabella, Millville Police Department. Cost is $20.00 11:30 am at the New Jersey Motorsports Park Hosted by OceanFirst Bank.
• October 18, 2016: State of the County multi-chamber event. To be held at CCC’s Luciano Center from 8:30 am to 10:30 am. Dr. Yves Salomon-Fernandez, President of Cumberland County College will be the Keynote Speaker.
• October 20, 2016: Networking Breakfast in Partnership with Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey. 8:30 am at the NJMP. Cost $18.00 Register with CCSNJ at 856-424-7776.
• October 31, 2016: Luncheon in Partnership with Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey, featuring Congressman Frank LoBiondo. 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Running Deer Golf Club, Pittsgrove. $35 for pre-registered attendees; $45 for late registrants. Register with CCSNJ at 856-424-7776.
• November 3, 2016: Business after Business networking event at the Holiday Inn. 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Hosted by Holiday Inn and refreshments courtesy of Tower Catering.
• November 9, 2016: Monthly Luncheon. Speaker: Lou Cooperhouse, Director, Rutgers Food Innovation Center. Cost is $20.00 11:30 am at the New Jersey Motorsports Park Hosted by Celebrating our Veterans.
• November 25, 2016: Annual Downtown Christmas Parade, beginning at 7 pm at High & Harrison. We are seeking sponsors for this event. Details TBA.
• December 14, 2016: Annual Holiday Luncheon. Millville High School Select Choir, Cost is $20.00 11:30 am at the New Jersey Motorsports Park, Hosted by Reeves & Melvin Real Estate and Insurance .

Mark your calendar ... for these upcoming Greater Millville Chamber of Commerce events