A Message from the Executive Director:
We promised to be responsive and to bring informative events to our members. In the past three months you, our members have had the opportunity to hear and network from some of the most respected people in their respective fields through either our own events or those special events of groups with whom we have partnered.
Events like our “Building Partnerships” exemplify this expanded collaboration. During this April event, we partnered with eight other area chambers to host a distinguished panel discussion and the opportunity to hear from Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno.
Luncheons featuring experts in the field of Cyber Security, the Executive Director of New Jersey Business and Industry, Michelle Siekerka , as well as Senator Jeff Van Drew were part of our early 2016 schedule.
In addition, we provided the opportunity to attend some free seminars on marketing your downtowns and digital marketing. We partnered with the Cumberland County Improvement Authority to let you hear local “Bankers and Brokers” discuss where the economy in Cumberland County is headed. All free to our members.
You can read about many of these in this newsletter and our digital e-newsletter (www.millvillechamberenews.com).
But we have also been trying to keep our members informed about some very important issues moving through the legislature. John Knoop of AKziom Consulting and I have been working on a panel with the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey formed to fight the proposed increase in the minimum wage. Many of our members indicated that although they already pay higher than minimum wage these proposed increases will result in higher prices and fewer employees. This is an issue that will most likely end up on the ballot in November as a Constitutional amendment.
We are also lending our voice in opposition to Paid Family Leave and we have joined the “No North Jersey Casinos Coalition.” We will do our best to keep you informed about these and other important issues through our relationships with the CCSNJ and the New Jersey State Chamber.
Let us know how you feel about these issues. The louder our voice, the more we’ll be heard.
Summit a Success
in Chamber Plan
The Greater Millville Chamber of Commerce held a special Business Summit on Thursday, February 18, at The GlassWorks complex.
The summit was the culmination of the Membership Committee’s work in addressing the changing needs of our members and the community at-large. The ultimate goal is to create a blueprint for change that will provide a clear direction to best help the Chamber achieve its goals. The committee will be completing a final report that will outline an action plan for the GMCC.
“This has been an exciting project and we look forward to delivering our final report to our members,” said Gary Moellers, Membership Chairman, who noted that a final report for full chamber review should be completed in late summer.

Earl Sherrick
Groundbreaking ceremonies were held on Friday, January 22 for the Millville Arts and Innovation Center, located at High and Vine Streets in Millville. The project is a collaborative project between Cumberland County College, Cumberland County Improvement Authority, Cumberland County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Millville Urban Redevelopment Corporation, City of Millville, Millville Housing Authority and New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.
“I think this is really great that this is coming to the city of Millville, because in my opinion I think it’s a win-win,” said Millville Mayor Michael Santiago.
This new center is in the heart of the downtown and will be Cumberland County College’s first establishment outside its main campus area. The 28,000-square-foot building will provide classrooms equipped with modern technology for fine arts and communication majors to be successful in this new digital era. One aspect that makes the facility so interesting and unique is the marriage between the College’s fine arts program and its business development curriculum. The Innovation Center will bring all of the technical training and support that the College provides for local business and industry under one roof. Its presence in center city Millville will enhance its accessibility to small business locally and regionally.
This $7.7 million dollar project will greatly expand the entrepreneurial resources and programs available to students and business. It will enhance the ongoing investment in the Millville downtown and spur additional development and commerce
Rev. Harris Details Code Blue Initiative The speaker at the February luncheon was Rev. Stephan Harris. Together with his wife Annamarie, they are project coordinators for Millville Code Blue. In his presentation, Rev. Harris explained how Code Blue works to provide food and shelter for homeless individuals in the community and, through this program how these individuals can find a path to finding a permanent home and job.
Around the Chamber: News in Brief
Speakers Provide Insight on Cyber Security
Sean Conley and Kevin Clark of Helmer, Conley & Kasselman, P.A., were the featured speakerts at the GMCC’s March luncheon. The presentation focused on “Cyber Security Considerations for Small to Medium Businesses.”
The attorneys explained how individuals and businesses can protect their information from cyber criminals and stressed the importance of careful monitoring of their accounts.
Siekerka Explains Economic Impact of Exodus of NJ Residents
Michele Siekerka, President and CEO the New Jersey Business
and Industry Association was April’s featured speaker at the
GMCC luncheon. In her presentation “Outmigration by the Numbers:
How do we Stop the Exodus”, Michelle discussed the NJBIA’s recent
report which finds that the state’s high cost of living is driving taxpayers and businesses out of state. From 2004-13, the state lost a net of $18 billion in adjusted gross income resulting in $11.4 billion in lost economic activity.
Sen. VanDrew Speaks at May Luncheon
Senator Jeffrey Van Drew, State Senator representing the First Legislative District, spoke to GMCC members at the May luncheon. The Senator updated members on the latest legislative initiatives being discussed and their impact on our personal and professional lives in Cumberland County.

Maintaining a Voice Across Our Region